Thursday, February 7, 2008

Assignment write-up

For the last assignment I tried to really work with the making the symbols or characters appear to be moving. I didn't focus a lot on masking because I feel that I have a good understanding from the last project. The overall idea for my project was to illustrate my idea of Phone connection and what it would look like as a digiscape. I'm pleased with the results, I also wish I would of pushed other elements with the background and shape tweens. Overall the project was moderately difficult to perform and it was time consuming and tedious. I do want to go back and make alterations if allowed the opportunity.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking of how the internet largely replaced the phone. It struck me as funny, especially because it's low-fi looking; as if the phone is this archaic technology that has been overtaken by the internet.

bwittmuss said...

The whole clip is very well constructed with how the flow between each of the different transition of the letters. I really like the concept of time and space interconnected with the internet. I sort of would like to see it take up more space in the totality of the project.

Ryan said...

aesthetically, this is very beautiful. I like the way the way the letters sort of meander across the screen. This is by far the best thing youve done so far this semester.